Laboratory: Ordered list, Unordered list, Defitinition list

For this laboratory you are to produce a web page with three lists. One of each type that we discussed in class.
  1. List of five foods I like.
  2. Ranked list of my favourite musical acts.
    1. Rihanna
    2. Beyonce
    3. The Weeknd
    4. Usher
    5. Olivia O'Brien
  3. Create a definition list defining the following terms.
    Angle brackets
    The symbols associated with angle brackets are the "<>" on the keyboard. They are used to enclose a code, and they open and close a tag.
    HTML means Hyper text Markup Language. It is a standard document format for Web pages on Internet. Each web page has HTML tags that will define the page layout as well as the graphic elements.
    HTTP means Hyper Text Transfer Protocol. It is used to connect web servers on Internet. Its function consists of connecting the server and the HTML so they they can send pages back to the user's browser. Also, we can use HTTP to download files either from the server or from any other applications that use HTTP.
    A tag defines the structure on a page. It indicates the placement of texts and images. Each tag has a start and an end, that allow the function to end.